Updated: 08/04/2019 (Originally posted 8/17/11)

When I started traveling the world on my first RTW trip, I planned out everything. Where I was going to stay, what I was going to do. “First I’d check out X, then I’d take the train to Y, and then I’d bus to Z.”

Not only was it fun to plan, but I genuinely thought all of my well-laid plans would guide me along as I traveled the world solo.

It was only a few days into my trip when I realized that, while planning is important, those plans will swiftly fly out the window.


Because you’ll meet people who will tell you not to miss a certain city or country.

Because you’ll arrive somewhere and love it and want to stay longer.

Or, you’ll hate it and want to leave sooner than you planned.

While the planning is fun, at the end of the day, this is why I love solo travel: it gives you unrestricted freedom.

Admittedly, I can be a very indecisive person. (I’m a Gemini after all). That normally indicates that I end up doing things last minute. and then I normally change those last-minute plans again because I get a sudden, better, brighter idea in my head.

And when you’re a long-term traveler, that’s perfectly ok.

In fact, it’s preferable.

While there is no wrong with enjoying a well-laid plan, when you’re traveling for weeks and months at a time, you need to make room for change. You need to allow serendipity space to come and lure you into an adventure.

That’s what happened on Ko Lipe, which do this day, is one of the best months in all my travels.

By giving myself room to change my plans, to test the waters, I allow myself a chance to experience new things that I would have never dreamed of. Sure, planning is great, but even the best plans can’t account for everything.

I remember growing up and always desiring to be “the captain of my ship.” You know, working because you like what you do, not because you need a paycheck; being able to jet off to some place you want when you want; and having utmost flexibility, time, and freedom for anything.

But then you graduate college with debt, you start working, the responsibilities pile on, you start planning out life, there are societal expectations put on you, and before you know it, you’re stuck. You’re part of that vicious rat race, and it seems like time is never your own.

Then one day you just think to yourself, “How did things get this way? I want out of this box.”

That’s why I quit my job and went traveling.

Though the leap was the hardest part, you realize everything else is easy, and it’s not traveling that draws you in, it’s the freedom and flexibility. It’s about waking up today and saying, “I’m going to Ukraine tomorrow.”

Or you’re going to play golf.

Or maybe take guitar lessons.

Or start that bakery you always wanted to.

Or step to Thailand to show yoga or English or anything else that your heart desires!

I think this topic recently struck me because I’ve been thinking about the last ten years of travel and reflecting a lot.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the rat race. Doing what you’re “supposed” to do because that’s how you’re told life is meant to be lived. You get a job, a wife, a house, kids, and then retire. but one day you wake up, and you’re 30, or 40, or 50, and you realize you never did a lot of the things you really wanted to do.

Maybe that’s why so lots of people have a mid-life crisis. maybe that’s why my daddy made a decision he was going to take up motorcycles again. Or why he gotten that automobile he always wanted. Or why my friend’s mommy changed careers.

I think that feeling is what causes so lots of people to turn to travel.

Yes, it’s terrific to see the world, but a lot of travelers I speak to are really drawn to the sense of freedom and adventure — the limitless possibilities.

While you’re traveling, the days seem to hold limitless potential and opportunity. It’s also why I think long-term travelers have a hard time adjusting back into “the real world.”

After you’ve been out of the box, it’s hard to go back in.

As much as I travel to explore new places and learn about people, I live my life because each day I wake up, I know I can open the door and do anything I want.

For now, that’s travel. exploring my world. maybe a few years from now it’ll be different.

But no matter what I do or where I go, I’ll never really change how I live because I’m not giving up my freedom to do whatever it is that makes me delighted anytime I want.

Как путешествовать по миру по 50 долларов в день

Мое бестселлере New York Times, продаваемое гид в мягкой обложке по мировым путешествиям, покажет вам, как овладеть искусством путешествий, чтобы вы выйдете из проторенного пути, сэкономить деньги и иметь более глубокий опыт путешествий. Это ваше руководство по планированию от A до Z, которое Би -би -си назвала «Библией для бюджетных путешественников».

Нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать больше и начать читать его сегодня!

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Не забудьте страховку путешествия
Страхование путешествий обеспечит вас от болезней, травм, кражи и отмены. Это подробная защита, если что -то пойдет не так. Я никогда не отправляюсь в поездку без нее, так как мне приходилось использовать его много раз в прошлом. Мои любимые компании, которые предлагают лучшие услуги и ценность:

Безопасность (лучше всего для всех)

Застраивать мою поездку (для тех, кто старше 70)

MedJet (для дополнительного покрытия эвакуации)

Готовы забронировать поездку?
Посмотрите на мою страницу ресурса, чтобы использовать лучшие компании, которые можно использовать во время поездки. Я перечисляю все, что использую, когда путешествую. Они лучшие в классе, и вы не ошибетесь, используя их в своей поездке.

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